Common Questions


Q: What kind of coach are you? Are you a life coach?

A: I get this question a lot! You’re welcome to call me a life coach since coaching with me addresses all areas of your life. Credential-wise, I’m a Professional Certified Coach (PCC) with the International Coaching Federation, and a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach (CPCC). I take the professionalism and ethics of the coaching industry very seriously.

I call my work ‘personal development coaching’ because the work we do together is deeply personal and addresses the whole person. We focus on who you are in all aspects of your life, regardless of the issues or topics you come to coaching wanting to address. Clients come with their current challenges and goals that they want to work towards and throughout coaching they uncover so many new directions and opportunities.

You’ll see growth in all areas of your life throughout our coaching engagement. We’ll work towards those initial goals you have at the start, and also meet you where you are at any given point. What you think you want before you begin coaching may change and evolve as you explore yourself and uncover what you really need and desire.

As one of my coaching mentors once said “You’re a human BEING, not a human DOING!” - I love that perspective! Co-active coaching works with both the ‘being’ and ‘doing’ in life.

We will focus on who you are and who you want to be in equal measure to what you do and what you want to do in your life.

Q: What is co-active coaching?

A: I am a Certified Professional Co-Active Coach. I trained at CTI, one of the largest and longstanding international institutions in the coaching industry. I believe in the impact of the co-active coaching model and have experienced the transformative impact myself. 

Coaching is not therapy or consulting. It's a unique process wherein the coach and client work in partnership in a thought-provoking and creative process that helps the client maximize their personal and professional potential. 

The impact of co-active coaching can often feel therapeutic and it is deeply impactful work, so long as the client is willing to go deep, do their ‘homework’, experiment with new perspectives and insights, and commit fully to their growth. 

The coaching relationship is a confidential, safe partnership where together we’ll explore all parts of YOU and co-create strategies that resonate with you to remove obstacles, move forward with clarity, set personal and professional goals and take active steps to live the life you desire.

Coaching is active, empowering and forward-looking. We meaningfully connect the dots to bring new perspectives and awareness in a coach/client dynamic that differs from other forms of counselling or support.

Q: How is coaching different from therapy?

A: There can be many similarities, however they are different. Coaching supports people through personal & professional growth, whereas therapy is based in mental health support. The approach and dynamic are quite different. The coach/client dynamic is a partnership and the work we do together is creative, collaborative and forward-focused in a deeply meaningful way.

People need different kinds of support at different times in their lives. Coaching and therapy can work beautifully together at the same time if that’s what a client needs. A well-trained coach will know when to refer a client to therapy if coaching isn’t what’s in the client’s best interest or if the focus is outside of the coach’s scope.

Here’s some insight from two clients of mine who are counsellors themselves:

“My time with Jenny is an opportunity to focus on my inner heart- felt desires. There is usually a buzzing of the world around me that easily distracts me from my own inner wisdom and feminine intuition. My work with Jenny allows for the buzzing to dissipate so that I can understand, seek clarity, allow for self realization. It is different and yet similar to the therapeutic counselling experience. It is less about coping or working with complex emotions. It is more about personal growth and self-actualization. Jenny is the guide for this very special and valuable work.” - Jenny Kelp, RSW, Cpt.

“Jenny's service offerings are perfect for people finding themselves in a space where they are ready to connect and align with their life's purpose and living a more meaningful life. Different from traditional counselling that focuses on mental health support, Jenny's work helped me uncover how I want to live my life and the possibilities that exist. She comes highly recommended!” - Martha Hazell, MSW

Q: Do you work with specific people? What are the different ways people can work with you?

A: I work with people of all ages and backgrounds. Typically, my clients are creative souls who are highly self-critical and put a lot of pressure on themselves. The work I do helps them find trust and confidence within and enables them to go after their goals fuelled by self-compassion rather than criticism.

I work with clients all over the world, across time zones remotely. I am in the EST time zone and willing to discuss your needs in terms of scheduling. There are several ways to work with me listed on my services and offerings page.

Read about my services and offerings

Q: What results will I get from coaching?

A: Are you open to being surprised and uncovering new goals and areas to grow as you get to know yourself more deeply?

Growth starts with awareness. Coaching will bring new levels of awareness and understanding about yourself which will impact your future goals and desires for your life.

Everyone comes to coaching with different goals and specific areas where they’d like to see change and growth. Our work together will be personalized and very specific to who you are, what you want, and where you’re going. Coaching is also a partnership, and to get the results you want, you need to do your part and commit to the new ways of seeing and being that we’ll discover together. I’ll be there as your support, champion and accountability partner the whole way through.

My clients speak about the outcomes of working with me way better than I ever could!

Read my client testimonials and insights about coaching with me

Q: Do you work with clients virtually?

A: Yes! Always have. I work with clients all over the world across various time zones.

For private coaching, I offer the choice of having sessions by phone or online video (via Zoom, Google Meet, Facetime) or a combination of both.

For corporate or private workshops, seminars and group work, I typically use Zoom but have also worked with Microsoft Teams, Google Meet and other internal platforms at various organizations. I am flexible and will work with your preferred platform.

Q: How do we get started?

A: It's really important that there's great chemistry and connection between us, so I always start with a complimentary alignment call to see if we'd be a great fit, and to provide insight into how co-active coaching is different from other wellness and therapeutic supports.

These calls are confidential and a safe space to ask questions back and forth and get to know each other.

Schedule a complimentary alignment call

Have more questions? I’m an open book. Ask me anything on our 30-min complimentary alignment call.

I was in a place where I felt “stuck” and I am happy to report that, after working with Jenny, I have become “unstuck!”

— S.H, Toronto, ON

“When we started I had no direction. Now I’m in the midst of starting a business and I’m excited about it. Through coaching with Jenny, I have learned to have more faith, trust and confidence in myself"

— Samantha L., Chicago, IL